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Fyre Productions Presents

Reggae Royalty Anthony Cruz live from Jamaica Sun Sept 3, 2023

at Brauer House 1000 N. Rohlwing Rd  #13 Lombard IL.

The mighty Indika Reggae band featuring Uroy Mushla  will be opening

and backing Anthony Cruz for his “Under the Covers” Midwest tour 2023

which is currently # 1 on The Jamaican Music Countdown charts. Anthony Cruz is

the nephew of the Great Garnick Silk and part of the linage of Reggae Royalty.

Doors open 7PM, Party 8PM Showtime 9PM, Gen Adm: $20 So Come out to the

Brauer House over the Labor day weekend and be ready to party to some great reggae music.

Kitchen open late. Keep it locked to Fyre Productions.